Project by Christian Espinoza (CL), René Rissland (DE)

In 1914 Swiss architect Le Corbusier designed his Dom-ino System. This Construction System was to be completely independent of the floor plans of the house, thereby giving freedom to design the interior configuration. Long before Dom-ino Le Corbusier began his career with studies about Greece. In fact he was fascinated by the ancient architecture of the Greek Polis. So it could be an inspiration for creating Dom-ino.

It was in the 1910’s that reinforced concrete was introduced in Greece. The Dom-ino system first inspired a small group of Greek architects before being assimilated by the Greek construction industry, cause the principles of the dispositiv were easy to understand, to assimilate and to reproduce. Till today, the Polykatoikia Typology as application of the Dom-ino system has strongly influenced the informal bottom-up development of many Greek cities.

The unfinished skeleton structure in the heart of Mavrommati can be seen as built metaphor for both, the triumphal progress of Dom-ino in Greece just as the common informal construction tool for vernacular Greek Architecture. In its rudimentary state, it is a perfect place for artistic and social appropriations.

This project will activate the space as experimental laboratory. Different formations of wire arrangements catch electromagnetic signals from the atmosphere, unforseeable events from the realm of short-waves. The Structure itself will be used as big antenna telling us about present tuning politics. The hidden Sounds of the Aether (the ancient Greek word is Aithḗr) will be made audible for the people on the Ground Floor.

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AOL #8 – Encounters II

Franziska Windisch – Encounters II
Saturday December 9th
18:00, meeting point:  PCDV entry

A performance that experiments with translation, understanding and dialogue as active forms of listening.

Una performance que experimenta con la traducción, la comprensión y el diálogo como formas activas de escuchar.

“By listening we set ourselves into relation to one another / we spread into the peripheries and  therefore become peripherical ourselves – from inside.

Let’s consider peripherical practices, that make us aware of a zone / in which we are able to hear our voices sounding together / and perceive them in their distinctions / in which we endure and enjoy the arising dissonances / and the unpredictability of the coming moment.

A zone that inhabits but does not appropriate / that sounds and resounds but cannot be captured / a porous space , that is neither inside nor outside / like the palacio on Serrano street.”



AOL #3 – Encounters I

Franziska Windisch – Encounters I
Thursday December 7th
15:00, meeting point:  PCDV entry

A performance in public space that reflects on geography, ways of walking, listening and thinking in the form of personal encounters.

Una performance en el espacio público que reflexiona sobre geografía, formas de caminar, escuchar y pensar en forma de encuentros personales.

“Within the next 20 minutes you will walk down and climb up stairs, along a way that will be shown to you. In certain spots a person will speak to you and will ask you different questions. You are free to answer.
Every station is an encounter with an unknown outcome.”



Workshop – preparing „Encounters I“


Workshop with Franziska Windisch – preparing „Encounters I“

Thursday December 7th
meeting point: PCDV entry

An invitation for people who are interested to participate actively in the performance „Encounters I“ at the same day at 15h.
We will prepare together parts of the performance and will get an insight into the process of „Acts of Listening“

Please register by sending a mail to:

Una invitación para las personas interesadas en participar activamente en la performance “encuentros I” el mismo día 15-16h. Vamos a preparar partes de la performance juntos y obtendremos una idea del proceso de “acts of listening”

Regístrese enviando un correo a:


AOL #1 – La picá del Zombie

Plaza Simón Bolivar / Miércoles 06, 16.30 hrs


En Chile le llamamos así a los restaurantes, fuentes de soda o cocinerías que ofrecen recetas típicas chilenas, con porciones abundantes y a buen precio. Generalmente son datos que se pasan de boca en boca, lugares populares, con un ambiente que es parte de la identidad nacional. Es comida simple, sencilla, con todo el sabor de la gastronomía local, ya que la mayoría lleva muchísimos años cocinando y perfeccionando los mismos platos.

In Chile they call “Picá” restaurants, Fuentes de Soda or cooks that offer typical Chilean recipes, with abundant portions and at a good price. Generally they are tips that are passed from mouth to mouth, popular places, with an environment that is part of the national identity. It is simple, simple food, with all the flavor of local cuisine, since most have been cooking and refining the same dishes for many years.


AOL#10 – La Picá del Gaviota

Caleta Portales / Domingo 10,  14.30 hrs aprox. /  $500 por persona / Paseo en barco y almuerzo incluido / Partiendo de Muelle Prats a las 13:00 /


Primero hay que ponerse de acuerdo, ¿qué es una “picada”? En Chile le llamamos así a los restaurantes, fuentes de soda o cocinerías que ofrecen recetas típicas chilenas, con porciones abundantes y a buen precio. Generalmente son datos que se pasan de boca en boca, lugares populares, con un ambiente que es parte de la identidad nacional. Es comida simple, sencilla, con todo el sabor de la gastronomía local, ya que la mayoría lleva muchísimos años cocinando y perfeccionando los mismos platos.

First you have to agree, what is a “Picá”? In Chile they call “Picá” restaurants, Fuentes de Soda or cooks that offer typical Chilean recipes, with abundant portions and at a good price. Generally they are tips that are passed from mouth to mouth, popular places, with an environment that is part of the national identity. It is simple, simple food, with all the flavor of local cuisine, since most have been cooking and refining the same dishes for many years.